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Howard Hahn


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O b j e c t i v e

I am looking for a grower position at a medium to large greenhouse.


E m p l o y m e n t
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Hahn's Greenhouse's
Manager, Grower
Lockbourne, Ohio
- Incharge of day to day operations including hardgoods ordering, fertilizer programs

- shipping and receiving, soil mixing, transplanting, and seed germination.


E d u c a t i o n
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Hamilton Township High School
Honors Diploma, 1998 Graduate
Columbus, Ohio

- College preparatory education
- National Honor Society

The Ohio State University
B.S. in Agriculture, June 2002.
Columbus, Ohio
- Horticulture and Crop Science Major
- Plant Pathology Minor

Contributed to the development of the OSU Distance Education web course.


A c t i v i t i e s
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- Active in the Central Ohio Flower Growers


Trade Shows
- Regularly attend the CENTS and OFA trade shows at the Columus Convention Center.

- Part-time firefighter and EMT-B for two local fire departments.


R e f e r e n c e
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References upon request.