Integrated Pest Management Strategies
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Return to HomeA Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, program is a strategy by individuals who are trying to control a specific pest by means that are both effective and environmentally friendly. This program consists of four sections: Chemical, Biological, Genetic Resistance, and Cultural Practices. Chemical means include the application of any synthetically produced compound that will deter the pest from invading or by simply killing the pest. Biological means include the application of naturally occurring compounds or insects that will deter in the infestation or rid the pest. The area of Genetic Resistance includes finding any possible host plant that is resistant to the pest, which in turn will not be affected by the invading disease or pest. The final area of the IPM is Cultural Practices which include the reduction of favorable environments, removal of favorable hosts or secondary hosts, and overall reduction of possible hosts to the extent of trying to rid the pest or disease of possible infestation. After a individual has identified possible pests or diseases that might become a problem he or she should write up a IPM that includes all possible measures that will help to reduce or exclude the pest or disease and choose the best method or methods of control. A properly developed IPM will be the most effective against the host and be the least detrimental to the environment.